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Donation Table
We Accept the following, "Paypal, Xatz, RSGP, RS07 Gp, Runescape EoC and 07 Accounts"
Make sure to only donate to Client Or Chaos
Guthix Donator Guthix Donator $5 Guthix Donator is basic donator package in which you have access to the donator zone and all it's features. You will be ranked on the forums and also be able to select 2 items of your choice. Some restrictions may apply.
Zamorak Donator Zamorak Donator $10 Zamorak Donator gives you the title ingame and on the forums. It allows you to access the donator zone and a selection of 4 items of your choice. Some restrictions may apply.
Saradomin Donator Saradomin Donator $15 Saradomin Donator offers Title and rank on both server and forums. It allows you to have access to the donator zone. This allows you to choose 6 items of your choice with no restrictions.
Rares $5 each Very rare and expensive items in the server. This includes " Santa hat, Pumpkin, Partyhats, Halloween Masks, Disk of returning and the half jug of wine.
Free forum : MasterScape - Donate Primal_full_helm Primal Armour $10 This armor Is extremely rare. Although it may not be as powerful as torva the bonuses are nothing short of superior. This includes the full set from helm to boots. Also a weapon of choice from the primal set.
Free forum : MasterScape - Donate Chaotic_kiteshield Chaotic Weaponry $3 per weapon some of the best weaponry used in the game. Best used in PVP and PVM situations.
Crystal Keys Comes with donation other methods available. These Keys can be used on chests to claim some very rare items. The Keys can be purchased for $2.
Message From The Staff
The staff advises you of the risks and acknowledgements of participating in these events.

By trading with us you agree to the following that you are not part of JaGeX LTD or associated with them. You agree that if you break our terms of service in which could result in termination of your account or loss of items you will not ask for a refund or file a complaint. In the events of being banned from the server or loss of items paid for you will not be refunded. This is a fair warning and you will be asked before accepting the donation. We will use this as evidence if you try to blame us. - MasterScape